"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." -William Arthur Ward

By joining this in-person or online trumpet studio you will step in the right direction to becoming the best player you can and want to be. You can learn to play the trumpet for the first time, or come back to it after 30 years. We can teach you how to play the blues, a classical concerto or popular songs you hear on the radio. Most importantly, you can have fun while learning! Honestly, that is what differentiates this studio from so many others. In this dynamic, music-pumped studio, you will never be bored. That's my promise to you. - Estela Aragon, owner

about the studio...

Students - hail from all walks of life. From kids in 4th grade to retired folks...everyone is welcome to learn trumpet here!

Lessons - are weekly and either 30 or 50 minutes in length. Expectations are high, but the rewards are even higher. Lessons are customized for your needs and I promise you will never be bored!

Be Inspired - walk out of every lesson feeling like you actually want to workout (aka practice)! 

Feel Challenged - here you will face rhythm, theory, improv and scale challenges. You will learn solos you didn't think possible and so much more!


Music lessons...PLUS - music athletes here do more than just learn fingerings and read music, they complete challenges, master scales, workout instead of practice, build endurance, train themselves, develop confidence, lose bad habits... and keep them off. This one of a kind studio will keep you on your toes!

What does it mean to be TrumpetFit?

The idea of being “trumpet fit” was born from the concept of being physically fit. In the same way that we can’t expect to do 50 push-ups without exercising every day and training the muscles, we can’t assume that playing difficult music will just happen. We must workout our facial muscles in order to gain strength and endurance on the trumpet. With proper training YOU can be trumpetfit and you can finally find the confidence to...

Play in the high register.

Improve your endurance.

Play at a much higher musical level than your peers.

Win spots in honor bands and go to hard-to-get-into summer music programs.

Learn fun extended techniques like the horse whinny and flutter tonguing. And much...much more!

Need a trumpet? Click HERE to use the Overture Program* and buy an affordable trumpet. I highly recommend this trumpet because it plays very well, the craftsmanship is excellent and most of all, it is returnable for a period of up to one year. The sooner you return it the high refund you get back! Perfect for those new to the trumpet, both young and adults.

*I support the Overture Program and am an affiliate with them.

Get started with a free triaL TRUMPET lesson!

Trial lessons are for first-time students only. They are 30-45 minutes in length and are valid once for the FIRST lesson only.